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Every Bitmate holder will be entitled to claim one plot of land for each Bitmate NFT that they own. The Bitmateβs world is a very vast and diverse place. No two regions within the world are the same. Below you can see an overview of Bitmatesβ world.
Each Bitmate resides in a special location within this map. You can find out the specific location that your Bitmate is in by visiting: and replacing the trailing digits with your Bitmateβs ID.
From this page, you can see this location on the map as well as the description of the region at the bottom. As you can see, Bitmate# 7992 can be found in The Forsaken Sands, a desert region not for the faint of heart, which features a town called Nesadet. The owner of Bitmate# 7992 will be able to claim a plot of land that has features from these two regions.
So what does a plot of land look like? Well, the image at the top of the page is an early look at what one plot of land from Nesadet might look like. But let me give you a better look at what we have in mind for the land plots below.
Hereβs an animation showing the progression of a land plot. The area is randomly generated and features a wealth of natural resources based on the areaβs region. A player will need to harvest these resources in order to develop structures on their plot of land.
Land plots are still under development and more information will be available closer to the release date.